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504 gateway timout


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Hi guys,

New to the forum. Looking for a solution to our problem.

Recently when we try to access the Backoffice we get an error - "504 Gateway Time-out" nginx

We have tried multiple browsers to no avail.

I seem to be able to access via eMagicone Store Manager but not thru backoffice.


Any help would be most appreciated


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thanks for your prompt response. The Backoffice became available again this week and we updated from V1.6 to V1.7.6.3.

We were in the process of migrating our webcontent when the dashboard suddenly became weird.

We upgraded from to Once the upgrade was finished this message came up:


With a note that it was switching to the default theme. Aside from this everything was working fine. I loaded a new theme in around 20 minutes after the upgrade had finished. From there the dashboard started having problems, namely links not working (I cannot delete the theme I uploaded for example, and the module catalogue won't load), and text and links from our website itself is appearing in the background, I have to scroll down the page to access the actual dashboard pages.

I've cleared the cache, and found a list of missing files (through advanced parameters / information), which I copied back into the directory from the downloaded upgrade files, which cleared the list, however I am still having the same issues.

It says the following files have been updated, however from what I understand this wouldn't be an issue?


I tried to rollback to the previous version through the 1-click module page, however the button doesn't load.

Our web guy has basically ghosted us so we are trying to work this out on our own so any help would be appreciated, thank you!

We are now getting the 504 Gateway Time-out again

Additional information
PrestaShop version:


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