I have a store in Germany, and my products frome 2 warehouse Germany and China, so the carrier is different,Germany is DHL, and China is UPS, and also we have some goods pickup-in Germany store. One situation is, a customer purchased three products form at the same time, one stock in Germany shipped by DHL ,another one in China shipped by UPS, and third one pickup in Germany store.
So I congfigure the three products is setting limited to respective carrier.I test this situation and I found that they could not choose every carrier when checking out. The shop could only
display one of the carriers. But the total shipping cost maybe correct. After the order was confirmed, it was displayed as one order divided into 3 parts and generate 3 invoices.
I need solve problems below:
1. Customers Can choose different carriers for different products of the same order at checkout page
2. One order and one invoice, different carrie products are combined in one invoice.
3. Compatible with other custom invoice modules installed, except for the native invoce
I am looking for a module, maybe a front checkout module, or a backoffice shipping module. I want to know which module can solve this problem.
Best regards.