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Faceted search and order by price


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reindex is done, build attributes and features is done but still the faceted search don't work correctly 
If I click"index missing products", the wheel turns and indexing process never stops. "Running, 94 products remaining.." all the time.. 

I have tried to uninstall the module and downloaded the latest one 3.4.1.

In db ps_layered_price_index there is nothing, is this right?
In db ps_layered_filter_shop there is nothing and if I set id_layered_filter=1 and id_shop=11 it disappears again when I save the filter in the module BO.
(There were multishop activated before, but now there's only one shop and it's id 11)
Should I delete some of the tables in db, uninstall module again and try a "fresh start" with the module? If so, what?

Doesn't matter what I set in filter, it's the same result all the time. I've disabled product weight, but still it's there all the time. Probably since ps_layered_filter_shop is emptied out every time?

"Order by price" doesn't work either, just spinning.. And that's probably connected to an empty ps_layered_price_index?

I have one language installed and activated, one currency as well 


Any help is appreciated!



So, updated PS to and now the faceted search work on everything, except on prices. No price slider visible and order by price is also still just spinning.. 
Same thing with database, nothing adds to ps_layered_price_index or filter_shop.. But now the filter works as it should. 

How can I get around this, must be something missing since it won't add prices to index? I've set full access to the db for the username that ps is using.


Edited by Mikeey (see edit history)
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We have the same problem.
We don't index prices, because this causes a too large ps_layered_price_index table.
It's too bad for our performance.

But when we try to sort our products by price it's not returning any product.
If we disable the PS Faceted search module, the bug dissapears and we can sort products by price.

Does anyone know how to fix this?
We don't want to index prices because of the performance of our website.

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