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Upgrade + New theme => missing pictures?

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Hi, I upgraded www.ozon.bg to 1.4, and put a new theme. As the new theme required some new image sizes, i made the adjustments, and went to regenerate all images.... The problem is that my script times out in 90 sec. After tens of attempts one after another, I was hoping that by unchecking the option to delete the original pictures (except for the first run), he script will continue each time with the next not regenerated image. But at the moment I have the feeling that nothing happens, and I am just refreshing the page until timeout... My hosting company even locked the account for several minutes due to high resource usage...

Is there a way to regenerate the images in some kind of smaller batches, so the script doesnot timeout - i wish at least to find out if what i am doing is working, or not...

Somebody help?

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