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Skip Lines with Blank Address Variables in Email Messages

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I'd like to modify the email templates so if the variable for Company and Address2 are blank, there will be no blank line displayed in the email sent, and it closes the gap currently displayed. Below is code from order_conf.html - is it possible to include some conditional statements so that the company and address2 lines are skipped and the blank line space is closed up?


{delivery_firstname} {delivery_lastname}



{delivery_city}, {delivery_state}  {delivery_postal_code}




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I'd like to modify the email templates so if the variable for Company and Address2 are blank, there will be no blank line displayed in the email sent, and it closes the gap currently displayed. Below is code from order_conf.html - is it possible to include some conditional statements so that the company and address2 lines are skipped and the blank line space is closed up?


{delivery_firstname} {delivery_lastname}



{delivery_city}, {delivery_state}  {delivery_postal_code}




Try commenting out the ones you don't want to show:
{delivery_address2} -->

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OK - would have been helpful if that was in your initial post :)

then instead of commenting out you need to use an if not empty statement.

if (isset($delivery_address2))


Note tested but you wioll get an idea of where to start :)

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