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Search gives me bad results (need help, pay for it)


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I got a big problem, don’t know if somebody can help. The search is shitty, total shitty and it is because of the products names, but other shops solved it better. 

The problem is, search for a product on the side named "Mi 9" (with a space in between) you will find 


160 products, which is totally shitty. Because he searches first for the name „Mi“ and adds than the 9, but shows all products that start with a „Mi“ and this are nearly every product from Xiaomi. Even when I set it to exact search, even if I make alias that say if I enter „Mi 9“ search for „Mi9“ because article reference numbers have usually the name in it, but together written. So for example


Any idea how I could fix it. If I enter „Mi9“ written together, I will find 11 products and this is perfect, but most of the customers write „Mi 9“ with a space in between. 



My settings are

Prestashop a fresh installation, nothing in it, except the products and a custom theme


Alias mi 9 -> mi9 | mi+9 -> mi9 | 

Search within word - deactivated (when I activate it, I get 373 results)


Search exact end match - activated (when I deactivate it, I get 215 search results) 

Minimum word length (in characters) = 2 (I had before 3, but it found nothing when you type Mi 9 because he sees the Mi and things this are 2 letters and as it isn't 3, he finds nothing)


Product name weight = 10


Reference weight = 5

tried also Tags weight but it doesn't help, he also sees mi and a space as a hit, so if you set Tags weight to 10 and all other to 0 and you enter "Mi 9" he also shows products like "Mi Bluetooth Speaker" or "Mi Pro 15.6 Notebook" because of the Mi. 


I will pay if somebody finds a solution for this problem, I am so frustrated. 

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I would personally solve  it by the next way:
( I prefer the overriding of Tools, Search and SearchController, but it is up to you)
I would prepare the removeSpaceAtDigit function in  Tools  such a like as

public static function removeSpaceAtDigit($string) {
//  $string = 'Mi 9 fdkfjdks dMi 8';
    $pattern = '/(\w+) (\d+)/i';
    $replacement = '$1$2';
    return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);
// result = 'Mi9 fdkfjdks dMi8'

2) further i would override ( or change) the fillProductArray function in Search

  protected static function fillProductArray(&$product_array, $weight_array, $key, $value, $id_lang, $iso_code)
        if (strncmp($key, 'id_', 3) && isset($weight_array[$key])) {
//------------ added one line ------------------------------
			$value = Tools::removeSpaceAtDigit($value);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
            $words = Search::extractKeyWords($value, (int) $id_lang, true, $iso_code);
            foreach ($words as $word) {
                if (!empty($word)) {
                    $word = Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH);

                    if (!isset($product_array[$word])) {
                        $product_array[$word] = 0;
                    $product_array[$word] += $weight_array[$key];

3) I would modify the search string the same way as above - it means overriding ( or change) the  getProductSearchQuery function  in SearchController

protected function getProductSearchQuery()
        $query = new ProductSearchQuery();
            ->setSortOrder(new SortOrder('product', 'position', 'desc'))
// -------------- modified line ----------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------

        return $query;

4) ensure search indexation ( f.e. in CONFIGURE->Search->You can set a cron job that will rebuild your index using the following URL:)

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