Hello, I have a web-site with is working not good.
Exactly, buttons "add to cart"and other customization stuff is working very slow.
Can you help me with it?
I discovered homepage is running 509 sql queries, it's not common problem
What I did:
- I migrated all info [exept_modules] from slow-web site (products, categories, customers etc) to the test server with installed P.S. version).
- I cleaned some tables of DB.
What's on the new test-web-site?
All is working well, and fast. One thing I didn't do with this site is I didn't install the modules.
What's on the old-slow-web-site?
Same stuff, very slow content-download, dont know why. You can check info of (_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_) of the slow web-site below.
What can I do to speed up the old-web-site?
Server side:
Bandwith: 10gbit
Php params: according to article of ps on official web site (can't now find the link)