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Problems translating a module in PS 1.6


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Good morning,

I am developing a multilanguage module for prestashop 1.6 and more versions.

At this moment I have a E2E environment to test this with Docker, Jest and Puppeteer, and all good but I have a little problem.

Each time that I execute the tests the system do the next steps:

  • Do the site multistore and create the store 2.
  • Install the French language, apply this language in the store 2 and in the backoffice.
  • Install my module in the store 2.
  • ...
  • Uninstall my module.
  • Uninstall the language.
  • Uninstall the multistore.

Each time that I execute this serie, my file it´s deleted.


I revised the Github project and in the original modules these folders doesn´t contain language files. But I revise some third modules and this files exists.

I considered the original documentation, but don´t help me enougth:


I founded for especific documentation, but I didn´t see nothing.

Thanks in advance.

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