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USPS Shipping problem Please Help !

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I am trying to set up USPS shipping carrier for prestashop and i am getting this error :(

Prestashop could not connect to USPS webservices : USPS Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again.

is there any way how to fix it ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

All I did was copy and paste my USPS Username into the USPS User ID field on the configuration page of USPS module, and it seems to work ok for shipments within the US. Did you sign up for a USPS Web Tools account?

I am using v1.4, and although I am not getting that particular error, I cannot get it to calculate rates when the destination is another country outside the US!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ridvan,

As jsherk said, you have to sign up for a USPS webtools account. Have you done it ?

Hi jsherk,

When the module was developped, the new USPS API (RateV4) permitted only to calculate the shipping cost with an US postcode in departure and an US postcode in destination. So it is normal that the USPS module works only for US.
I heard USPS improved their new API with international. I will take a look at this new API and probably update this module in way to provide international shipment.


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Yes, in RateV2, international was available, and I don't know why they did not include it directly at the beginning of the 1.4.
Anyway, I'm not currently working on USPS but I'll try to upgrade the module as soon as I will have the time.


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  • 2 months later...

I think I know what the issue is.

By default, new webtool accounts are set for test server. Prestashop is coded for production servers.

Webtool users need to request to be switched to production access:

Your Web Tools User ID, shown above, is required to test and integrate USPS Web Tools APIs. With this ID, you may begin sending calls to the test server. Depending on the API, the address to the test server is either http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll or https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll. Use this information in combination with your User ID and your XML string to send a request to the USPS servers. For more details, refer to the programming guides (located at http://www.usps.com/webtools) for the specific API you are integrating.

A sample test request would look like: "http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll?API=[API_Name]&XML;=[xml_String_containing_User_ID]"

When you have completed your testing, email the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will switch your profile to allow you access to the production server and will provide you with the production URLs.

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  • 1 month later...

I was looking at the USPS API here:



And what I noticed is that there are TWO separate API's ... the Domestic Rates API (V4) and the International Rates API (V2).


So it looks like they updated the Domestic API to v4 but left the International one behind at v2 for now! Most users in the US would expect the module to do both, but I supposed it could be broken into a domestic module and an international module!

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A sample test request would look like: "http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll?API=[API_Name]&XML;=[xml_String_containing_User_ID]"


Can you give an example including the XML and how you call it? I'm trying to get this going too. I tried it by changing "production" to "testing" in

modules/uspscarrier/uspscarrier.php (running, but it didn't help.


Thanks for any hints,



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I am not sure what the test server is, but if your Username has been approved for production I don't think you can use it on the test server anymore, and if it is still setup for testing you cannot use it on the production server.


It's important to read the docs on testing, because the test server is designed to accept only one specific pre-formatted xml call ... if you send it anything other than the one in the docs, then it won't work. You should read these:




I really like Prestashop and after looking at a lot of other potential solutions, I am going to move forward with it, but I need USPS Domestic and International Rate Calculators, so I am going to write the modules myself. Probably take a two or three weeks to get some working versions, but will post back once something is available (unless somebody else beats me to it).


EDIT: It's not quite as simple as just modifying a few things to make it work for International as they XML is different, my thought will be to create two separate modules, one for a domestic rate calculator and for an international rate calculator.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to get a Prestashop up and running and have put a lot of work in it to find that the shipping modules do not see to work. FedEx no longer offers an API key. UPS appears to work until you test it on the site and it says the carrier does not reach the destination. USPS does not seem to work either. I have run out of mailing options in the US.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Hey all.. this looks like where im at..


the usps modules for ps dont do shipping, nor can i find where to account for insurance and extra features..


now im trying to use php post/get with api and trying to make test call with use name and pass, but when i look at the trees and tables in https://www.usps.com/webtools/_pdf/Rate-Calculators-v1-5.pdf i get confused.. i dont know xml so im stuck.


i need to be able to have a successful test so i can move on to specifics.


any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all.. this looks like where im at..


the usps modules for ps dont do shipping, nor can i find where to account for insurance and extra features..


now im trying to use php post/get with api and trying to make test call with use name and pass, but when i look at the trees and tables in https://www.usps.com...lators-v1-5.pdf i get confused.. i dont know xml so im stuck.


i need to be able to have a successful test so i can move on to specifics.


any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Like Brandon, I would be interested in knowhow for additional services in USPS module. I know I can add a set amount to the normal rate, but not all my shipments will have the additional services, so please anyone???

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  • 2 years later...

Good Morning,

I need some help with shipping modules:

1. My USPS and UPS shipping calculator does not add in handling charge (shipping>preferences) upon checkout when added to the product page or when added to the "configure USPS or UPS modules"  

2. Modules>connect to USPS OR UPS>configure USPS OR UPS modules>category settings>adding category and product settings and increasing pricing> does not change pricing upon checkout.

3. When attempting to delete specific category or product settings in the the configure USPS or UPS module section, I receive the following error> an error occurred while deleting the object.configuration (cannot load object).

4. modules do not appear to be providing accurate shipping charges based on actual shipping fees shown at USPS and UPS websites.


Please let me know if you need additional info.


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I feel your pain. Had much angst with shipping in 1.6.9. Solved with help of Hosting support (Westhost) don't know what they did, but php.ini files were involved I think. Problem not finally solved tho' until, with  much patience waiting on phone with USPS support, together with insistence that supervisor was needed, they 'did' something with the software at their end which solved my situation.

Couple of things you might look at: First, are you 'In Production' with the Carriers?. In Shipping CARRIERS, do you have add handling charges selected.

My skills are close to zero, but hope these points help in some way

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