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Qusai Ali

Qusai Ali

10 hours ago, selectshop.at said:

You don't need to make modification on files. URL is added to database and to .htaccess file only. Simply change the domain on back-office Shop parameters -> Traffic & SEO -> SEO & URL's. Change the domain, save and it's done.

I have changed url from SEO & URL's, but have I transfer all files form old domain to new one or can I install presta on new domain and transfer a few files only?

Qusai Ali

Qusai Ali

9 hours ago, selectshop.at said:

You don't need to make modification on files. URL is added to database and to .htaccess file only. Simply change the domain on back-office Shop parameters -> Traffic & SEO -> SEO & URL's. Change the domain, save and it's done.

I have changed url form SEO & URL's, but have I transfer all files form old domain to new one or can I install presta on new domain and transfer a few files only?

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