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Removing the Password from the Registration Email v.1.3.2

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Is it possible to remove the password from the registration email, and just leave the email address?
We have had a complaint / suggestion from a customer that it is a "very serious security flaw" to send out the password in plain text over email unless it is single use (e.g. reset the password).
I have removed the {passwd} from mails/en/password.html and password.txt and replaced with "hidden for your security". When I retested it pushed it through anyway.

Has anyone made this change - is it a quick job?

Looking forward to suggestions.


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Hi ChrisLNZ

Sorry, I think you misunderstood my message.
I want to remove the plain text entry for the password in the registration email (when they sign up) which is not a single use password. It is the main password for the account and if the email account is hacked or opened by a third party, the prestashop account can be accessed by the third party due to the username and password being sent as plain text.

I used the password reset as an example of when it is OK to send a password in plain text as it will be changed after that single use, allowing he account to be secure again.

Thanks for the interest.

Still looking for a solution .......


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I did misunderstand - sorry :)

I am not sure that this will work but may be worth a shot - open password.html at about line 26

add a series of ***** a space after the Passowrd:

Password: ****** <!--{passwd} -->

as shown and comment out the variable password .

AFAIK that should send the email without the password being displayed.

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Hi there

Unfortunately it does not work. :(
I had already tried removing the variable and just adding text, but I have tried your way by commenting it out and still no joy.

Hmm, surely I can't be the only one who has come up against this?

Yours, still in hope,


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