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Much better tutorial for csv import


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1) My provvider was not able to fully set-up my shop via .CSV (no capable to send categories url etc...) so I've to do I by myself.

Finally I've a partial result for the categories, BUT

the 2 years old info page DON NOT SHOW STEP BY STEP how the program reason when you import, so I spent several hours just to understad, via trial error process, that you have just to import in the category NOT the ID, NOT the mother category, but the "Parent category".

- Nothing into the same page for the Product import, on the main point: each product has to by connected to the right "Parent category"....

File as example ar too poor and unuseful... no subcategories structure etc...

Now the problem: I download from AS400 db a file with all products and category... so there is no function allow one, f.ex. to load at the same time products and categories...

the same no way to self assign parent just reading a TAG field.

For example I've main cat as XXXX001 to 999,  cat ans XXX0001 to 9999, subcat  as WW00001 to WW99999.... and since th import program my provvider create do not work... I've to now to write code to create the parent link...  XXXX... becomes 0001+xxx;   XXX... becomes 001+xxxx ; WW... becomes 01+xxxxx

And I've to work in VB to assing to each one the parent....

While if there is a self adjusting File Importing Form Structure,  I can just assing who is who (so when a tag appear hold it as main, cat or sub ...etc...), and he holds the parent till the new one will arrive into the single file....

happy is someone has time to do so, viceversa prestashop will rest a non easy to be used instrument.

2) My provvider own part of the administration right... so I'm not able to enter (still as Superadmin) into al the structure... so f.ex. I cannot change the fact that price are not immediately shown... (the prestashop flag is already in show price.

Any idea to get back rights (we are already starting a legal fighting... ) ?

3) World wide we all say the same thing:

the shop take TOO MUCH TIME TO BE LOADED ! Several second !






Edited by selectshop.at
mass capital letters on title removed (see edit history)
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