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Back office Dropdown options is bugged.


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This is seriously driving me up the walls...


I have just installed a clean version of Prestashop ( with a clean, never used database. When I logged in and go anywhere on Back Office, all of the dropdowns are bugged just like the image attached. Also, If I, for instance click "Enable SSL" and save, it says "Successful Update" but nothing changes.The "Enable SSL" remains disabled.


I have searched everywhere on forums and nothing. Please could someone point me to the right direction to how I would get this fixed? Or is this a reported bug that remains not fixed?





Edited by marolini
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On 12/17/2019 at 12:49 PM, marolini said:

I have searched everywhere on forums and nothing. Please could someone point me to the right direction to how I would get this fixed? Or is this a reported bug that remains not fixed?

PHP and SQL Version? Have you tried another browser? Do you have font scalling set in Windows or browser?

I have no problem whatsoever with that! everything works just fine...

Best Regards

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  • 4 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, DDD said:

Did you find a solution to this problem? I'm having the same issue on the same version right now... :(

Hiya. I give up in the end as over the years I've encountered a few issues with Prestashop. I'd rather pay some money and have a more reliable system so I've moved to Shopify.

Good luck!

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8 hours ago, DDD said:

Well with 7.2 the backoffice seemed fine but the front office didn't work. Changed to 7.1 and now both front and back seems OK. :)

For PS php 7.2 is the recommended version, you should try clearing the cache, a lot of problems are caused by the cache. (But if it works just fine with 7.1, let it be in that version)

Note: It´s always advisable to do the install process in the recommended version.

Best Regards

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