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Fatal error: htdocs/vendor/autoload.php on line 7

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Buongiorno, questa mattina ho aggiornato clickupgrade dal BO e mi ha dato errore, subito dopo il sito Error500 abilito l'errore riportato è il seguente:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ComposerAutoloaderInit8f1fc84240d24c654a0576d9f1a4aebe' not found in /home/mhd-01/www.......it/htdocs/vendor/autoload.php:7


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Do you have the file "autoload.php" at the root of your project? If not, download a base version of your PresatShop version and add it to your root folder. Make sure you also have audiences "composer.json" and "composer.lock".

When you have this data, see if it already works correctly, and otherwise, access the root of your project and execute the "composer installation" instruction.


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