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Payment accepted email sent for free orders

Cristina Gonzalez

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I sell services that can have a cost , be free or be subject to a 100% discount voucher that makes the total order zero.

When the total order is cost zero, at the check out process, Prestahop (version recognises this and displays the message 'Free order. No payment required'.

However the client always gets an email saying Payment accepted, we have received your payment. How to prevent this from happening?

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You could edit the payment accepted email so that it says order accepted, and rename the status too. Then have the payment methods set to something else, so that it triggers another email/status when the payment is accepted (though you might need to set it manually as most modules set the order to payment accepted)

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Thanks NemoPS, but this solution still creates duplicate emails to the client that can be confusing. One email that says 'Yor order is confirmed' and another that says 'Your order is accepted' (both with invoices attached for zero costs-but that's for another post!)

The logical thing for me would be:

Free orders---associated status that I would call 'No payment required'---only one email to client that says 'Your order is confirmed

Payment by bank wire-associated status 'Awaiting payment by bank-wire''--only one email to client that I would call 'Provisional order confirmation' (in this email you can add the bank details for them to make the transfer

Once bank-wire has been received, we change to a status that I would call  'Bank transfer received'---one email to client that says that we have received the payment and their order is now confirmed

Maybe I am asking too much!! 

Is this something that a programmer could change or is inherent to Prestashop and changing it could mean catastrophy?

Back to the free orders, maybe there is an easy way to programme it that for total cost=0, no payment accepted email is sent, and no invoice either, as we are at it.

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Well actually if you change the core status the customer will only get one email, the order confirmation one. Paying customers will get the bankwire too, have you tested it? It shouldn't really send duplicates. If it does then yeah you might need a small php modification to paymentModule.php.

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I don´t know php language but if I go to the back office and open Orders and look at a free order in the column called Payment it reads 'Free order' and in the column Status it reads 'Payment accepted'.

Then I go to: shop parameters> orders configuration>click statuses tab>select Payment accepted and click on Modify and change the email to Order confirmation and save it.

I´ve done a test booking for a free order, READY??? DRUMROLL PLEASE...............

I still get 2 emails, an order confirmation and a payment accepted, but now the one with subject Payment accepted has the body of the order confirmation one, but with the variables not working in the table, just showing them like  this {products}


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Thanks for your patience Nemo, but I don´t think we are on the same page., as changing the name of the status won´t stop the behaviour for free orders (sending 2 emails).

What did you mean when you said 

On 12/18/2019 at 2:39 PM, NemoPS said:

if you change the core status the customer will only get one email, the order confirmation one

What is the core status and how do you change it?

Edited by Cristina Gonzalez (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

The name of the original "Payment accepted" status. By default it sends two emails, order confirmation and payment accepted. You can set payment accepted to read "order confirmed", disable its sending emails, and create another status to send emails when a payment is accepted. This will require you to change status 2 (payment accepted) to the new ID you create for custom payment methods.

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That works a treat!! Thanks!!!

I renamed status ID 2  from 'payment accepted' to 'order confirmed' and disabled both the sending email and invoice options.

I created new status called 'payment received' with both options sending email and invoice enabled, and email template 'payment'


Now, for free orders it only generates one email, order confirmed, and no invoice (as it was a zero invoice).

For orders at a cost, payment by bank transfer, it works correctly when changing in the back office to new status 'payment received'

PS. I had this query opened in the Spanish forum too, do you mind if I post the solution with credit to you?

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