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Include footer and header in custom .php file


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in Prestashop 1.6 i had some "promo" pages made in .php and i was able to "insert" the header and footer in this way:

$font=new FrontController();


Now i migrated some sites to 1.7.6 and the footer is not displayed anymore, neither the header.

I wrote a "static" footer.php and header.php and did:

<?php include('somefolder/footer.php');

<- this is working but it's "static" i mean, if i change sth. in the menu i have always to go to header.php and change manualy those things.

How can i include header and footer in my .php file like in 1.6 ?

I know it would be better to write a module but this is not possible at the moment due to lack of time.


Edited by espacious (see edit history)
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