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Evan P Smith

Evan P Smith

Hey I have version 1.7 using the default theme. I need to get to the checkout page .tpl file so that I can modify the submit button to redirect to a dummy confirmation page so that the company i work for can demo their product. In the magento directory i tried " ls themes/classic/modules and now I can't find which module has the checkout page information. My goal is to modify the checkout page submit button to redirect it to a fake confirmation page. That also means I need to find where the confirmation page is located so that i can copy the code and put it on a local host. 

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.




Evan P Smith

Evan P Smith

Hey I have version 1.7 using the default theme. I need to get to the checkout page .tpl file so that I can modify the submit button to redirect to a dummy confirmation page so that the company i work for can demo their product. In the magento directory i tried " ls themes/classic/modules and now I can't find which module has the checkout page information. My goal is to modify the checkout page submit button to redirect it to a fake confirmation page. That also means I need to find where the confirmation page is located so that i can copy the code and put it on a local host. 


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