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Good @joseantgv and the other members of the forum to see if you can help me. I am trying to position for the keywords "Ferretería Cerca" and "Ferretería Online" with La Home Page. I have managed to change the Meta Title to Add these Keywords in the Back Office Section -> SEO and URLS -> Index In this section I also get the option to add a meta description, which I have added with the long tail keywords that I want to position with the aforementioned quasi is that Google does not "INDEXA" the meta description with these keywords, bone shows a text that I don't know where he gets it from and completely ignores the meta description that I put in the SEO and URLS section, I attached a screenshot of the SERPs so you can see better what I mean and see if I have to add the meta description elsewhere to show it:   I look forward to your response Cheers






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