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Hello friends, can you please help me to solve this issue?

In the last weeks we lost a lot of traffic, so we intalla Google Webmaster Tool for our PS and we have seen that:

Meta description Pages
Duplicate meta descriptions 1,664
Long meta descriptions 0
Short meta descriptions 1,088

Title tag Pages
Missing title tags 0
Duplicate title tags 1,890
Long title tags 0
Short title tags 0
Non-informative title tags 1

We really suppose that the problem are the duplicated meta descriptions and tags.
For each menu we have the following duplication:


Can somebody tell us how to solve this issue?

We have add to the robot.txt the "DISALLOW" fuction for these pages:
Disallow: /prices-drop.php
Disallow: /contact-form.php
Disallow: /about-us.php
Disallow: /supplier.php

Best Regards

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