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Requête Gestionnaire SQL

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J'ai une requête qui me permet d'afficher une liste des clients qui ont achetés tel ou tels produits, en entrant les id :

SELECT distinct c.firstname,c.lastname,c.email,c.birthday
FROM pre2466_customer c, pre2466_orders o, pre2466_order_detail od
WHERE o.id_customer=c.id_customer
AND od.id_order=o.id_order
AND od.product_id in (162,163,164,166,167,169,170,171,173,176,177,178,332,334,335,336,337,338,343,344,345,350,351,352,353,355,356,448,451,471,567,568,576,577,641,642,650,657,507,442,328,331,405,406,442)  

Je voudrais (j'y arrive pas ...) :

Avoir le numéro de téléphone fixe et portable en plus

Dans : pre2466_address address
Récupérer :
(en plus de ma requête actuelle, de façon à avoir : Nom, prénom, email, date de naissance, tél, tél mobile)

Merci pour votre aide !

Edited by skyzozo (see edit history)
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SELECT distinct od.product_id, c.firstname,c.lastname,c.email,c.birthday, a.phone, a.phone_mobile
FROM pre2466_customer c 
INNER JOIN pre2466_orders o ON(o.id_customer = c.id_customer)
INNER JOIN pre2466_order_detail od ON(od.id_order = o.id_order)
INNER JOIN pre2466_address a ON(a.id_address = o.id_address_delivery)
WHERE o.id_customer=c.id_customer
AND od.product_id in (162,163,164,166,167,169,17.....


Edited by Eolia (see edit history)
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Pour ceux qui veulent exporter les clients ayant achetés tel ou tel produits code complet à mettre dans le gestionnaire SQL et remplacer les id par les id des produits achetés, et bien sûr changer le suffixe de la table par la votre.

SELECT distinct od.product_id, c.firstname,c.lastname,c.email,c.birthday, a.phone, a.phone_mobile
FROM pre2466_customer c 
INNER JOIN pre2466_orders o ON(o.id_customer = c.id_customer)
INNER JOIN pre2466_order_detail od ON(od.id_order = o.id_order)
INNER JOIN pre2466_address a ON(a.id_address = o.id_address_delivery)
WHERE o.id_customer=c.id_customer
AND od.product_id in (162,163,164,166,167,169,170,171,173,176,177,178,332,334,335,336,337,338,343,344,345,350,351,352,353,355,356,448,451,471,567,568,576,577,641,642,650,657,507,442,328,331,405,406,442)

Bonne soirée,

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