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Add buyer & seller informations to terms and condition page 1.7


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Hi everyone.

There is an override codes on the term and condition page that I used in versions of prestashop 1.6.x showing buyer and seller information. Thanks to the following override file, I was able to make automatically a sales contract on the checkout page. but now I need to adapt this override codes to version 1.7.x , how can I adapt this code to the prestashop 1.7.x versions?

codes for 1.6x:

// override START
$cart = $this->context->cart;
if ($cart->id_address_delivery) {
$currency = new CurrencyCore($cart->id_currency);
$customer = new Customer((int)$cart->id_customer);
$delivery =  new Address( $cart->id_address_delivery );
$invoice = new Address( $cart->id_address_invoice);
$user = $delivery->getFields();
  function _getFormatedAddress(Address $the_address, $line_sep, $fields_style = array())
        return AddressFormat::generateAddress($the_address, array('avoid' => array()), $line_sep, ' ', $fields_style);

$product_list ='<table><tr><td>Ürün Adı</td><td>Ürün Fiyatı</td><td>Adet</td><td>KDV</td>';
foreach ( $cart->getProducts() as $key=>$item )
    $price = round( $item['price'], 3 );
    if ( $item['price'] > $price ) $price += 0.001;

    $product_list .= "<tr><td>".$item['name'].'</td>';
    $product_list .= "<td>".$price.'</td> ';
    $product_list .= "<td>".$item['quantity'].'</td> ';
    $product_list .= "<td>".$item['rate']. "</td></tr>";
$product_list .='</table>';

if (isset($this->cms)){
    $this->cms->content=str_replace("{CartTotal}",floatval(number_format($cart->getOrderTotal(true, 3), 2, '.', '')),"{$this->cms->content}");
    $this->cms->content=str_replace("{Date}",gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'),"{$this->cms->content}");
    $this->cms->content=str_replace("{delivery_block_html}",_getFormatedAddress($delivery, '<br />', array(
                            'firstname'    => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>',
                            'lastname'    => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>'
    $this->cms->content=str_replace("{invoice_block_html}",_getFormatedAddress($invoice, '<br />', array(
                                'firstname'    => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>',
                                'lastname'    => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>'

// override END


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