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two bugs in order-steps PS 1.4

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I have a problem in PS 1.4.

In version 1.3
-in product order in first step, (in 5 step order) when you are not logged in and press button "NEXT" customer goes to the login page.
but when in products minimal value is set some value, when press next, nothing happend. In 1.3 it was error messege "the value of your order must reach minimal value... ", even if logged in, still nothing.

Second bug is in the order_conf.html in mails. The table with order is in wrong order. First are products, then header of the table... I can't find any solution because the table is in the rows and columns, otherwise the product code is only "{products} {discounts}" so there is no way to edit this in html.

In PS 1.4 both situations didn't happend.

Any idea, how to fix it?

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