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[Bug] Availability resets after "back to catalog" action


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I'm experimenting this strange behavior (PS I only check an active product with combination, then I click "Back to catalog" and, when there, its availabilities are reset to zero!

So, after clicking "Back to catalog", PS makes a saving and this update all to 0. It happens apparently randomly (or maybe with items migrated from PS 1.6?), and it doesn't happen again with the same product (after I correct availability the first time after bug, then product became "immune").

Can someone help? This make my shop pretty unusable.

Ps: that "bugged" saving also add the category "Home" to product

Edit [possible solution]: I've compared the db situation pre-bug, post-bug and after correction of a product. I noticed that product with value "1" or more in the field "depends_on_stock" of table "presta_stock_available" will present the bug. Modifying it to "0" (the value of the field also after the correct re-insert of nulled availability values) before any saving will prevent from resetting availability values. What consequences could this change have?


Edited by Tom1884
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