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Deco Evo 1.4 has some layout problems. How to fix?

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I'm new to PrestaShop, so please bear with me (installed 1.4 just this week). Some of my issues are probably rooted in my unfamiliarity with the admin UI and where things are kept.

Before going at this whole hog, I set up one category with products. The front page looks fine, and the categories containing products look just fine (nice, neat grid). The problem lies with categories containing categories. The layout looks terrible: images and text strung together in a line, rather than a grid.

Another question about category images: is it possible to disable the category image that appears above the product grid? What I'm currently seeing is unsightly, to say the least.

The My Account page is doing something similar. I added several modules and they display differently and throw off the layout.

I have attached two screen shots to illustrate these issues.

If you wish to poke at it personally: http://mmemagpie.com/boutique
The shop is fully functional, but not public, so it's a little rough around the edges.



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After many hours of fussing, I think I have identified the problems: failure to anticipate the user taking advantage of many options available to me out of the box.

The first issue appears to be that this template did not anticipate the use of nested categories :(

The second issue exists because the template failed to take into account the extra modules that are available, likely to be desirable to a merchant, and then added.

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