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Simon Christiansen

Simon Christiansen

Hi there.

Im having an issue with my shop. The header menu shows categories that the user isnt allowed to see. The user cannot access those categories and when clicked a warning message is being displayed telling the user that they dont have access. But this isnt enough, the category shouldnt be displayed at all, and i dont think this was a problem back in 1.6? Ive search the internet far and wide and i see that alot of other users have this issue, but there isnt any solution as far as i see? 

Can anyone provide any help on this? Thanks in advance! :)

Shop info:
URL: shop.ndosupply.dk

Simon Christiansen

Simon Christiansen

Hi there.

Im having an issue with my shop. The header menu shows categories that the user isnt allowed to see. The user cannot access those categories and when clicked a warning message is being displayed telling the user that they dont have access. But this isnt enough, the category shouldnt be displayed at all, and i dont think this was a problem back in 1.6? Ive search the internet far and wide and i see that alot of other users have this issue, but there isnt any solution as far as i see? 

Can anyone provide any help on this? Thanks in regards! :)

Shop info:
URL: shop.ndosupply.dk

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