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Change size and align of shop logo v1.6.1.24


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It's been asked loads of times but I have a version that whatever I try and make work, just doesn't work.

I dont understand why there are no GUI tools (such as live edit) to manage the positions of logo, search and cart. All the other relevant elements can be moved!

I like the responsive image setups but having the logo in weird corners is awful for my needs.

Editing the code always seems to break something.


I have tried to edit:



for hours on end, but I constantly revert back to default files and start all over again.

Please help me have a logo/image fit the width of the website (at the top center) and have the "contact us", search and cart moved to the desired places as shown in the image.

Thank you very much!









default logo issues.png

default logo desires.png

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6 hours ago, Pcforum said:

It's been asked loads of times but I have a version that whatever I try and make work, just doesn't work.

I dont understand why there are no GUI tools (such as live edit) to manage the positions of logo, search and cart. All the other relevant elements can be moved!

I like the responsive image setups but having the logo in weird corners is awful for my needs.

Editing the code always seems to break something.


I have tried to edit:



for hours on end, but I constantly revert back to default files and start all over again.

Please help me have a logo/image fit the width of the website (at the top center) and have the "contact us", search and cart moved to the desired places as shown in the image.

Thank you very much!

You have to move the search module for the DisplayNAv2 hook, than position it where you want...


Than you just need to resize the logo...


Note: Don´t mind the bad quality logo it´s just to show how you can do it, and the search will be removed when you change it from the displayTop hook and add it to the displayNav2 hook.

Best regards.

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Thank you for your replies!

@PCQUATRO I don't have a "DisplayNav2" only "DisplayNav" is available..... did you create your own hook?

Your logo placement demo is exactly what I want to achieve!


@NemoPS I have tried a variety of commands using text-align center and width 100%, perhaps not in the right combination though.

Check what happens with the screen size displaying @media (max-width: 767px), the logo is centered all on its own, good. But the search bar, & cart are also stretched, need to move that above the logo and in the center as in first post image.

Also check what happens when screen size is equal to or greater than 768px. Logo is not center (but at least its alone in the row!), search is far right, cart is far left.


no displaynav2.png

767 o less center with large search.png

greater than 767 not center.png

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3 hours ago, NemoPS said:

have you tried text-align center with width:100%? Or if it's a block use margin: 0 auto.

Is this what you mean?


I added the code into the CSS but no change, also would this affect other images in that class "img-responsive" as highlighted in blue?



text align width test1.png

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20 minutes ago, PCQUATRO said:

You must have it, if you don´t see it put it on the hook where your signin is...

Best Regards

I checked both online and local servers, neither have "DisplayNav2".

This is v1.6.1.24 I am using with PHP v5.6.40

Also what do you mean by "put it on the hook where your signin is" ?

displaynav2 missing.png

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12 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

This is v1.6.1.24 I am using with PHP v5.6.40

Ho, i´m seeing it in

12 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

Also what do you mean by "put it on the hook where your signin is" ?

Go to backoffice -> design -> position -> look for the hook where your sign in module is, and put the cart and search modules there, mine is on displayNav2 as you can see in the image...


And you will have something like this...


Isn´t this what you want!!

Best Regards

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Yes it is more or less what I want, but trying to do what you say has created this output.

I tried to move the "Cart block" to the "displayNav" using unhook and transplant.

I have now broken the "Cart block"

As a new person trying to use Prestashop I need detailed step by step instructions please otherwise the display gets broken!

How do I fix this?

Thank you.


broken checkout.png

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23 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

Yes it is more or less what I want, but trying to do what you say has created this output.

I tried to move the "Cart block" to the "displayNav" using unhook and transplant.

I have now broken the "Cart block"

As a new person trying to use Prestashop I need detailed step by step instructions please otherwise the display gets broken!

How do I fix this?

Thank you.

Just put it back as it was before and try again...

Best Regards

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I don´t know how version 1.6.x works, because my experience is only with 1.7.x, i´ve changed modules position to different hooks without any problem in version 1.7.x, it should be the same in version 1.6.x, did you make any changes to the modules directly in the code!? i would be shooting in the dark to try to guess how the process works in your version because i never used it...

I suppose you are starting with the shop, i mean you are starting to develop it, so i´ll ask you why did you choose version 1.6.x and not 1.7.x!? if it´s a new start, i would advise you to start fresh with the new version 1.7.x. If not, and you think you are not able to handle things by yourself, ask someone that has some knowledge to do it for you.

Usually as a basic rule i always BACKUP before i change something major, witch i also suppose you haven´t done, anyway we should always learn with our mistakes, and try again till we get things right, if you really want to learn how to develop for the web you are going to keep failing and try again till you don´t need to rely on others...

I´m sorry but i´m not able to help you more, maybe someone with knowledge on your version can help you, or you can always keep trying till you fix it...

Best Regards


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I'm using v. becuase my website hosting company doesn't support higher versions of PHP to install v1.7x

I always create backups and I'm testing on a local server before going on the live server. However, some data is being used by the MySQL database and often a full backup is more tricky.

I have managed to figure out what went wrong with the shopping cart module, as I somehow UNHOOKED it from the "head" hooker.

It's a learning curve I have to endure through trial and error and going back to original files and comparing.

If anything this is becoming a mini blog as my mission continues.

How do I force the cart to match up with the contact, currency, sign in area?

moved cart1.png

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2 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

How do I force the cart to match up with the contact, currency, sign in area?

Change the position of it in the hook till you get things as you want (in version 1.7.x you just have to drag modules up or down as needed), you might also need to style them to fit on the same row, as i told you before, i don´t know how your version works and it´s difficult for me to help you without seeing things as they are... what is the URL of your site?

Best Regards

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As I said, I'm working on localhost only at the moment until I can figure this all out and apply to live server.

With the "live editor" you can only move so many things, but not everything.

Dragging the modules up and down via "modules & services > positions" doesn't change the position of the cart, it remains fixed on the left. Changing up and down on the other modules (contact, currency, sign in) I can move about freely.


BTW what is "class="col-sm-4 clearfix"" stand for? small column 4 ???

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16 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

Dragging the modules up and down via "modules & services > positions" doesn't change the position of the cart, it remains fixed on the left. Changing up and down on the other modules (contact, currency, sign in) I can move about freely.

That´s because they are on different hooks, you have to put them all on the same hook. Or lets say give the carts container a width:25% and the other container width:
75% for instance, those are only examples...

18 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

BTW what is "class="col-sm-4 clearfix"" stand for? small column 4 ???

Those are styles applied to the element, position, spacings, sizes, etc...

Best Regards

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28 minutes ago, PCQUATRO said:

That´s because they are on different hooks, you have to put them all on the same hook. Or lets say give the carts container a width:25% and the other container width:
75% for instance, those are only examples...

Those are styles applied to the element, position, spacings, sizes, etc...

Best Regards

If I understood correctly, the image below has 5 modules on the "DisplayNav" hook?

No matter what order I put "Cart Block" it remains on far left of row.

same hook.png

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4 minutes ago, Pcforum said:

If I understood correctly, the image below has 5 modules on the "DisplayNav" hook?

No matter what order I put "Cart Block" it remains on far left of row.

Try clearing the cache and force recompilation after changing positions...


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Makes no difference.

I clear out browser and server cache if I don't see immediate changes.

Force compilation is on.

Cache is off.

I said previously that I am able to change the position of 'contact, currency, sign in' modules, but changing cart remains the same, cannot force the position to the right.

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