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Can someone point me int he correct direction in resolving a problem I am having with a recurring series of entries in my error log? I assume its related to the fact that I have 'pagenotfound' repeating in my visitors online page.  Here is what it looks like:


[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: subcategories in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28

Here is line 28 in that listed file:


<?php if (count($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subcategories']->value)) {?>









Can someone point me int he correct direction in resolving a problem I am having with a recurring series of entries in my error log? I assume its related to the fact that I have 'pagenotfound' repeating in my visitors online page.  Here is what it looks like:


[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: subcategories in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28







Can someone point me int he correct direction in resolving a problem I am having with a recurring series of entries in my error log? I assume its related to the fact that I have 'pagenotfound' repeating in my visitors online page.  Here is what it looks like:


[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: subcategories in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28
[06-Nov-2019 11:54:02 US/Central] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/c45ze72g6r1g/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/layouts_layout_full_width_tpl/38/0a/dd/380addc9637f69afcd6c6a8513dff4af7c11dac9_2.file.not-found.tpl.php on line 28





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