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Mark product sold out if sold with any of the attributes

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Can anybody help me change the coding to solve the following problem:

If I have one pendant for sale with different necklaces (attributes), how can I make the whole item stock 0?

For example:

I offer a pendant (the main item) and the customer can choose a silver necklace (attribute choice with extra value added) or a metal necklace (standard price).
If the customer buys this item with any of these options, I don't have any pendants anymore, but if the customer chose the metal option, the already sold pendant stays for sale with the silver necklace option. How can I make the item sold out for all attributes if one of the attributes is used?

Or mark the product as sold out if any of the attributes is zero. Or, even better, make the product stock amount equal to the attribute with the lowest stock amount.


Thanks for your help.

Ivo, NZ.

Edited by ivo71
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