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Images are uploaded as an ? mark and not the image please help!

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So I've been using Prestashop for about 3 months now and it's been great, until today. I've uploaded hundreds of product images so far and today when I was trying to upload some new product images some will upload but most of them will not show the "update completed" only a blank page with the "done" on the bottom left of the browser. Then when I go back to the product, it shows an "?" mark instead of the image. I don't think it's an image problem because it is an jpg file within the limit (way below 2m) and I've tried with other .gif .png but that doesn't seem to work either. I'd figure I've been touching up the pictures the same way and been uploading the same exact way so everything should work but thats not the case.

Has anybody have this kind of image uploading problem. It'll be helpful if it showed me an error but it doesn't show me anything at all. Thanks for the help in advance.

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I read on another post about making your images 600x600 or smaller, and that seems to make it upload successfully. They said prestashop doesn't display product pics any bigger which seems to be true. I guess I'm going to make them all 600px or less and 300dpi.

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I was making sure it was way under 2000kb and they were all around 3000px max. It tells you if it's too big to upload, but mine wasn't, so it just went to a blank page in the back office, and those pics showed up as a '?'

I've always used the same camera, program, file size, and method of doing it, but just recently it stopped working. This seems to be the only thing that makes it work for me.

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