Hi, i am using prestashop
I've been using smtp set up within this shop but on old domain,
2 weeks ago, i moved this shop to new hosting and new domain, but within same company krystal.co.uk
Before everything was working fine,
Now Email function doesnt work at all except test mail,
I mean customer order confirmation, password recovery,
SMTP configuration is fine, (this is my cpanel Email i mean domain email [email protected])
*also tried with gmail smtp yahoo smtp and outlook smtp same problem
Mail alerts reinstalled,
Tried with php mail, but doesnt work,
I have all mail templates in /mail
Same mail templates are in mailalerts/mail
I spoke with hosting people, I ve been told that no ports are blocked, firewall oki, no blocked ip, and they can see test mails going through but other mails no, and I ve been told that must be prestashop faulty
I did try probably all solution from google, no positive results
I forgot mention that i cannot see any errors in logs and also for example when resending order confirmation email i got green message The message was successfully sent to the customer.
Same with password recovery, when i do recover password i also have info
A confirmation email has been sent to your email address
Also when i go to Email settings in
Advanced Parameters
I can only see emails sent from contact form