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Hello, as the title says, when entering the customer list, let the customer see that you have made many purchases, the result is too slow.

I am talking about customers who have more than 15 orders with x number of items.

Prestashop (same error in previous versions of branch 1.6

PHP version: 7.0.33-0 + deb9u5

Memory limit: 1024M

Max execution time: 240

I have updated the Thirty Bees fork in another installation to see if it solved it, but it does the same.

When after 4 minutes it brings the complete information, it shows everything ok, but what it takes is terrible

Any solution?

Thank you.



Hello, as the title says, when entering the customer list, let the customer see that you have made many purchases, the result is too slow.

I am talking about customers who have more than 15 orders with x number of items.

Prestashop (same error in previous versions of branch 1.6

PHP version: 7.0.33-0 + deb9u5

Memory limit: 1024M

Max execution time: 240

I have updated the Thirty Bees fork in another installation to see if it solved it, but it does the same.

When after 4 minutes it brings the complete information, it shows everything ok, but what it takes is terrible

Any solution?

Thank you.

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