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PHP 7.3 and prestashop 1.7


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PHP 7.4 version has been released few months ago and this means that PHP 7.3 is pretty stable. I have my own server and because of Prestashop requirement style, I use multiple PHP installation in my server which I don't really like to do this in term of overall server performance. Because I like everything up to date, in my opinion, PHP 7.2 is outdated and should not be used as today.

I like how the wordpress requirements catch up with every latest PHP version.  Hopefully that Prestashop do the same thing in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/13/2020 at 8:20 AM, KingBirds said:

Is prestashop 1.7.3 now working with php 7.3?


Do you mean ? <-- this is the latest version. and it doesn't compatible with PHP 7.3. Prestashop 1.7.6.* only compatible up to PHP 7.2

where Prestashop 1.7.7 is compatible with PHP 7.3

If you mean the exact version number 1.7.3 then, the version only compatible up to PHP 7.1 as stated in the system requirements.

Source: https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/basics/installation/system-requirements/

Edited by arafatx (see edit history)
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  • 2 years later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 2/2/2023 at 11:55 AM, ropacolombiana83 said:

How did you fix that issue with webservice? I have php 7.2 and ps and my webservice stopped working, now I have a 503 error in the automations with integromat




i have changed for sure

row 212


public static $shopIDs = array();


public static $shopIDs =[];



is only thing i changed, i had some problem with api too but now works. not sure if this helped. 

i also had integromat (now make), inventoro, and more.. 



see also there

PHP 7.2 is not in PrestaShop 1.6's officially supported PHP compatibility range (which is 5.2 ~ 7.1).
If your PrestaShop version is below, you must to modify content of /home/xyz/public_html/classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php, and change the line public static $shopIDs; with public static $shopIDs =[];
Explanation: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/8662b3a50eae1ca7e6f6de02b419f123ba2ceee8

Edited by jgerza (see edit history)
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