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[PS 1.6] Orders report by traffic source


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Hi buddys

Prestashop have by default a report (in dash and in 'statistics') where you can see the gross numbers and visitors percentage by traffic origin/source (google, facebook, etc.). However, I can't see any report for the same but relative to orders.

I see in each BO order the traffic source below in the page so you can see the if the traffic for this order came from google, facebook... when the client made the order.

Do you know any module (paid or free) with this kind of report or can you help me a litte to make a sql search to make this report 'manually'? The only variable parameter I need would be dates range, and the 'columns' would be order id, date, total amount paid and trafic source. This info is across some tables and my sql knowledge is limited.

Thanks in advance.

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