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Paypal Error (Cannot complete payment)

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Hello There,

I'm getting on error when i try to checkout with paypal,
here is the errorr message:
PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2011-03-31T15:21:19Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid
PayPal returned error

Already tried, to delete API and create new one, but that didn't help :(

Pleaseeee help :(

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I am getting teh exact same error.

I tried re-entering the password a numbe rof times, same error

PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2011-04-08T03:05:57Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid
PayPal returned error

has anyone fund a fix for this?


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I have also the same error :(

Merci de vous reférer aux logs :
PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2011-04-08T12:11:37Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid
PayPal a retourné une erreur

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Ok, what worked for me was turning off sandbox. There is a bug: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-1504 and I am actually reposting this link from another page, hope this helps all having problems as it helped me. I really think it has nothing to do with copy/pasting the api pass in there as I did this also and like I said, all I did to fix it was turn off the sandbox, which is really annoying if you want to test but until there is a bugfix for it we have to live with it :(

I was actually alerted to the fact by email when I had a customer try to make a payment for $200+ but got the error and I guess they moved on. Great! Live and learn I guess.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have prestashop and paypal and I seem to have problom checking out at least that what email said from buyer that when fine but last page didn't complet but I got no error or payment any help. Paypal 3.0.9 I just upgraded because od address error I keep getting. I can't up date prestashop to much hand coding done for looks any help?

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