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 Impara la pronuncia

Hi, I upgraded the prestashop using the latest version of the 1 click update module from version to version and the front office works correctly, while the back office logs me in but then gives me the following error:



(1/1) RuntimeException

Failed to start the session: already started by PHP.

in NativeSessionStorage.php line 137

at NativeSessionStorage->start()in Session.php line 57

at Session->start()in SessionTokenStorage.php line 78

at SessionTokenStorage->hasToken('https-ANONYMOUS_USER')in CsrfTokenManager.php line 72

at CsrfTokenManager->getToken('ANONYMOUS_USER')in Router.php line 50

at Router->generate('admin_employees_change_form_language', array(), 0)in Link.php line 814

at LinkCore->getAdminLink('AdminEmployees', true, array(), array('action' => 'formLanguage', 'token' => '4baec289eeb197a9f9b9af60103c4fab'))in AdminController.php line 2718

at AdminControllerCore->setMedia(false)in AdminDashboardController.php line 44

at AdminDashboardControllerCore->setMedia()in Controller.php line 277

at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 515

at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 97




I would like to know if there is a solution to solve the problem. I am using a dedicated server with installed php 7.1 Waiting for your reply, I extend cordial greetings.

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