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Amin Vatandoust

Amin Vatandoust


I'm using PrestaShop I add my banner images in webp format, when I regenerate images (jpg to webp) with my third-party module, htaccess file in Upload folder will reset to default. So to show images in site, I have to add webp to allowed files manually (in htaccess file of Upload folder). I want to know what is the file/code that creates this file and maybe with that I can add webp to default formats like png/jpg so next time that it wants to regenerate, it would add webp by default.


Amin Vatandoust

Amin Vatandoust


I'm using PrestaShop I add my banner images in webp format, when I regenerate images (jpg to webp) with my third-party module, htaccess file in Upload folder will reset to default. So to show images in site, I have to add webp to allowed files manually (in htaccess file of Upload folder). I want to know what is the file/code that creates this file and maybe with that I can add webp to default formats like png/jpg so next time that it wants to regenerate, it would add webp by default.


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