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Does Prestashop increase files sizes ?

Bruckert Thomas

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Hi, just a quick question about prestashop.

Yesterday I saw that our homepage slider was made with 3 images : 2 were about 450Ko and the third one was 100Ko (so 1,1Mo), which in my case is huge because pingdomtool says the homepage was about 2.6Mo.

So I used ShortPixel to compress the images and from +/- 1Mo for the three images, they were reduced to 376Ko (for the three ones).

I uploaded them into the slider module, I cleared the cache and then I reloaded the page. Then I reload my pingdom test and the webpage sized 2.6Mo again.

I cleared the cache again and then try to upload a new slider image, it works perfectly. Then I downloaded the images of the slider from the webpage (inspect element, get the file URL and downloaded it). But they were 100% heavier than the one I uploaded !

The resized image uploaded sized 157Ko. The one I downloaded from the front page of my website sized 352Ko (as you can see on the file below).

Is there a solution to decrease those images files ?


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