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error with PS1.4 paypal v2.4 new order error messages

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hi all

i have some problem here with the ( new order e-mail ) on this bottom of the error message :

PayPal response: TIMESTAMP -> 2011-03-30T22:38:11Z TRANSACTIONID -> 8U237574MB732500G TRANSACTIONTYPE -> cart PAYMENTTYPE -> instant ORDERTIME -> 2011-03-30T22:38:10Z AMT -> 16.95 FEEAMT -> 0.79 TAXAMT -> 1.95 CURRENCYCODE -> CAD PAYMENTSTATUS -> Completed PENDINGREASON -> None REASONCODE -> None PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY -> Eligible INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED -> false SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT -> false Order finished with PayPal!

dose any body know what is this problem ? how to fix?

i am using the latest PS1.4 and the paypal version 2.4 any idea for this issue?


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Also getting this, but not sure if it is an error.

When people write a message with his/her order it does not say this message.

PayPal response: TIMESTAMP -> 2011-03-31T22:54:41Z TRANSACTIONID -> 7MR4469892889541K TRANSACTIONTYPE -> expresscheckout PAYMENTTYPE -> instant ORDERTIME -> 2011-03-31T22:54:40Z AMT -> 91.00 FEEAMT -> 3.21 TAXAMT -> 0.00 CURRENCYCODE -> USD PAYMENTSTATUS -> Completed PENDINGREASON -> None REASONCODE -> None PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY -> Ineligible INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED -> false SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT -> false Order finished with PayPal!

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Usually PAYMENTSTATUS -> Completed means it was completed.

Do you see the order posted in your payapl account?
Do you see the order in the PS orders page?

If you answeres yes to the two above, please add [solved] to your first post title.

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Yes we got all those you said ,

what about this messages when received the NEW ORDER from the customer by e-mail?:

PayPal response: TIMESTAMP -> 2011-03-30T22:38:11Z TRANSACTIONID -> 8U237574MB732500G TRANSACTIONTYPE -> cart PAYMENTTYPE -> instant ORDERTIME -> 2011-03-30T22:38:10Z AMT -> 16.95 FEEAMT -> 0.79 TAXAMT -> 1.95 CURRENCYCODE -> CAD PAYMENTSTATUS -> Completed PENDINGREASON -> None REASONCODE -> None PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY -> Eligible INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED -> false SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT -> false Order finished with PayPal!

also you can see that the same messages at the back Office order detail section too see Attach PIC, its that any way to fix? or just ignore it?



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Is there any way to make the paypal module return to your shop in default shop currency and not in the currency you paid? My currency isn't supported by PayPal so i used the prestashop integrated currency converter to convert my currency in to USD but after the customer send the payment when its getting back to my shop all the prices are in USD and not RON.

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I think it is known bug? or PrestaShop specification?
I have fixed this issue in my Agile Paypal module.

Also you can find it here on how to fix this issue.

Thank you for answering, in paypal 2.4 there is now redirect.php in main folder.
There is one redirect.php file in /modules/paypal/standard, i edited and added:
// check currency of payment
$customercurrency = $cookie->id_currency;
if ($currency_order->id != $currency_module->id)
   $cookie->id_currency = $currency_module->id;
   $cart->id_currency = $currency_module->id;


$cookie->id_currency = $customercurrency;

by the end of the file ( there is no end of script as indicated in your blog ) but when i return to my shop the currency is still in USD and not my default shop currency :(

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sorry, it is misunderstanding. My solution is that for fixing the customer currency lost issue.
If you want yo change back to default currency please change last line as following
(you don't need to add the first line)

$cookie->id_currency = intval(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'));

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I will try to be more explicit, my store default currency is RON(my store currency isnt supported by paypal), paypal currency is set as USD so when i chose PayPal as payment method its converting the amount my customer has to pay in RON in USD, everything is working good until my customer return to shop where all the prices are displayed in USD and not RON any more.

P.S. i tried to add $cookie->id_currency = intval(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); as last line in /modules/paypal/standard/redirect.php with no luck.

EDITED: after reading your blog once again, "issue 2" is exactly what's happening, customer losing its currency after completing or cancel the order.

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if you pud the code at the end of redirect.php file.
the currency should be changed back to default currency.
I don't why it doesn't work.

$cookie->id_currency = intval(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')); 

I just tried at my demo site, it works fines
you can have try here (note: email is disabled, you will not receive any email)

My default currency is USD, you can choose any currency at front and go to Paypal and cancel it come back. it will change back to default currency USD

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thats exactly what i want, im sorry im a bit tired (its 5 AM here). What prestashop version do you have and what paypal module version? Im using prestashop and PayPal module 2.14 maybe thats why i cant make it work....

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