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Prestashop and GoodRelations


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  • 3 months later...

I implemented a little bit of GR on my product sites. I think you have to modify some files as a simple module can not do it.
Example from the themes/product.tpl (PS 1.2.5)

{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}
 typeof="gr:Offering" about="#product_data">


and than you look for all the tags that are usable and add span tags around them.
That's how I did it but at the moment it is still not displayed in the search results afaik.
Regards, trip

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Good news: There is now a readily-made, free, reliable extension for this:



Makolab S.A. has just released a free and powerful extension module for the popular Prestashop e-commerce package that


1. will create Google Rich Snippets and

2. send rich relevance signals to search engines


by adding GoodRelations markup in RDFa syntax to the product item page templates.


The module is available here:


http://addons.prestashop.com/de/seo/3866-goodrelations.html (you need to register to the Prestashop community system in order to see the download link)


There are installation instructions in English and French and the user interface is available in English, French, and German.


It should take only about 15 minutes to get this up and running, so this is by far the simplest way of adding GoodRelations support to a Prestashop.


A demo shop is at




Kudos to the Makolab team for implementing this!


Please spread the word to site-owners running Prestashop!


Best wishes


Martin Hepp


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I'm not even sure Google really uses this metadata unless you're really big and request them to had Rich Snippet support for your website (which is pretty long, at least in France).


Did you have a different experience?


With proper GoodRelations markup (i.e. such that validates in the Google Rich Snippet Testing tool), it can be as fast as just two weeks until you will see rich snippets. In the past, Google was very restrictive in turning snippets on for your site, but this has been improved.


As of today, Google shows rich snippets for products from GoodRelations in RDFa for

  • US (google.com),
  • UK (google.co.uk),
  • German (google.de),
  • Russian (google.ru), and
  • Japanese (google.co.jp)


markets. There may be other countries with this support turned on already.


Unfortunately, adding the markup to your site does not guarantee that snippets will be shown, since Google has a technique in place that assesses the likelihood of a good snippet, and this means that e.g. the overall ranking of your site can influence whether you will see rich snippets or not.


While it is usually easier and faster to get rich snippets for a site among the top 10 - 20 for a given term than for a less popular page on the long tail, in general, the techniques aim at the quality and trustworthiness of the markup. So even pages on the long tail can get rich snippets.


Trying GR on a simple "demo" page with a new domain name will typically not show a rich snippet, while adding the markup to an established e-commerce site can get you rich snippets within as little as two weeks.


Also, the crawling delay influences how long you have to wait for a rich snippet. Google will only show a rich snippet once the markup is included in the indexed / cached version, so you will have to wait for 2 - 10 weeks until Google actually sees your markup.


A good way to speed up the process is


1. Set the lastmod attribute of your sitemap.xml correctly, see e.g. section 2.1 of http://sindice.com/developers/publishing

2. Tell Google of your GoodRelations usage with this form:



Hope that helps!


Best wishes


Martin Hepp



PS: See also:

* http://ebusiness-unibw.org/pipermail/goodrelations/2011-November/000412.html

* http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/2986/goodrelations-based-rich-snippet-example-in-google-query

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raglasi, could you please describe in details what kind of problem you have with configuration of the module?

We have tested it also on PrestaShop version, with success.


We will be very happy to help you, but please let us know the details of the problem.

Did you get any error message? Warning?


MakoLab GR module Support Team

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Tested on :: PrestaShop the model works for me

PS tested on localhost have not tested on live shop as of right now



1) File: GoodRelationsHeader.tpl

remove the Mata tag Content-Type its already in the header of the page.


2) File: GoodRelationsProduct.tpl

______ find: xml:lang="pl"

replace with: xml:lang="{if $lang}{$lang}{else}en{/if}"


3) why use {$payId}?

<div rel="gr:acceptedPaymentMethods" resource="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#{$payId}"></div>


4) I think it should be a full URL (http_//www_domain_com/1462/product.php?id_product=1)


	<div rel="gr:eligibleCustomerTypes" resource="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Enduser"></div>
<div rel="foaf:page" resource="/1462/product.php?id_product=1"></div>
			<div property="gr:hasStockKeepingUnit" content="1" datatype="xsd:string"></div>
   		   		 <div rel="foaf:page" resource="/1462/product.php?id_product=1"></div>


6) Delete the file from the "Installation Figures.zip"

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Fix for #4


File: GoodRelationsProduct.tpl


resource="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}{if $smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}?{$smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}{/if}"



resource="{$link->getProductLink($product->id, $product->link_rewrite)}"





File: GoodRelationsProduct.tpl






{if $product->description}{$product->description|strip_tags}{else}{$product->description_short|strip_tags}{/if}

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File: GoodRelationsProduct.tpl


<div property="gr:eligibleRegions" content="{if $region}{$region}{else}PL{/if}" datatype="xsd:string"></div>



{if $region}<div property="gr:eligibleRegions" content="{$region}" datatype="xsd:string"></div>{/if}

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Hi there,


I can't install this module on version.

It says that the module can't be found. I upload by ftp, the module apeears on BO but without the "image", i try to make the installation but it gives me an error saying that the module can not be found.


Thanks for any help you can give me.



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for a second should be available new version of the module - 1.2 in PrestaShop Addons.

This version should eliminate all problems above.

Also HA!*!*Y thank you for all your suggestions!


Please, let us know if there will be ay trouble with this module.


MakoLab - GR support


FYI: The download link is here:




(you need to register to the Prestashop community system in order to see the download link



Note: As of this writing, the version available there is still 1.1.

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  • 2 weeks later...


FYI: The download link is here:




(you need to register to the Prestashop community system in order to see the download link



Note: As of this writing, the version available there is still 1.1.


English (USA) Link: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/seo/3866-rich-snippets-and-semantic-seo-with-goodrelations.html (Version 1.2 uploaded)

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On my titles the german characters are alle stripped and replaced by a blank character. Isn't this module supporting UTF-8 ?


Is it possible to have the thumb of the product also assigned ? It seems that this information is not included...


Ist it possible to have the product reviews aggregated ? I'm using advanced reviews module. It seems that this is also not included...

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Great module, but not usable with special characters languages like German.

Nobody here to help me to fix this problem ?


I tried to add to






instead of




does not work. Yes I cleared the smarty cache. Special characters like ä, ö, ü, ß are omitted in the product link. This is what google are showing as link f.ex. Instead of "für" there is "f r", and this for all words with the special characters. The SEO-rewritten Link is correct with "frontstyle-rucksack-fuer" but not the Link-Title.



FrontStyle Rucksack f r

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, when I install the module it messes up the layout of the pages. It causes the center and right columns to shift underneath the left column, as shown in the attachments. Is there a way I can stop this?


Thanks so much for sharing this module, if I can get it to work I will be very grateful!



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Module installed OK but it keeps displaying in BO a yellow mark. I've checked all configuration tabs and saved repeatedly, check mark became green but after a minute it reverts back to yellow state.

No matter what I do it keeps staying that way.

Any idea of what might that be about ?

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Same problem here... :(


Module installed OK but it keeps displaying in BO a yellow mark. I've checked all configuration tabs and saved repeatedly, check mark became green but after a minute it reverts back to yellow state.

No matter what I do it keeps staying that way.

Any idea of what might that be about ?

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Anyone knows how to fix the broken images links in this module? It seems that it loses a number. Example here



Instead of the image link


It displays



Any info on fixing it? Also it doesn't keep in mind the seo rewritten url, it displays the basic url instead of the nice seo-friendly urls.

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Anyone knows how to fix the broken images links in this module? It seems that it loses a number. Example here



Instead of the image link


It displays



Any info on fixing it? Also it doesn't keep in mind the seo rewritten url, it displays the basic url instead of the nice seo-friendly urls.


Fixed the page link, here's what you need to replace

{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}{if $smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}?{$smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}{/if}


{$link->getProductLink($product->id, $product->link_rewrite, $product->category)}


Still have to find out the correct product image code...

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I am new to this forum and I would like to welcome All.


I have read Your questions and suggestions and made a few fix.


- image problem - fixed

- bank transfer checkbox - fixed

- seo rewritten - fixed ( nashtu3000 suggestion)

- inventory tab - fixed


Try to install module from attached file.


Good job! It's all in working status now! I've change the image size from medium to large though because i consider it to be too small. I'm guessing google automatically resizes them so it shouldn't do any harm.

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Hi all,


Sorry if this is a dumb question but, explain me something please:


We just install the module and that's it? no need to do anything else to optimize SEO?


I have that question because I try to "test" or "validate" on the

Rich Snippets Testing Tool

from google and yahoo and gives me this error:


Extracted Author/Publisher for this page


Page does not contain authorship markup


The following errors were found during preview generation:

  • This page does not contain authorship or rich snippet markup.


and google also says:

Note that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for this page on actual search results. For more details, see the


Thans for your support
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I tested: German special characters like ß, ä, ö, ü are again not in the Link. There is a blank character.

Strau enmagen 200g


Authorship is missing, also in source code I cannot find the markups for geolocation added on tab "location and contact"


These are all empty, although added on module:


depiction =

hasPriceSpecification =

hasBusinessFunction =

acceptedPaymentMethods =

availableDeliveryMethods =

availableDeliveryMethods =

eligibleCustomerTypes =

page =

includes =


I use CCC and also max compilation instead of W3C, because my server supports this and I get max. speed with this. Shop has about 11.000 products, so I need other settings as normal, and also another webspace as standard.

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But tell me please if we have todo anything else besides install the module?


That's what I have not yet realized because the google and yahoo validator give me the error mentioned on post #48


Thanks in advance

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Hi to all.


First, thanks a lot for sharing this module, it's really userfull (and IT'S FREE!).


But I have a problem with it: I can install but then there is no way to enter in configuration... Tried permisions and both version of the thread. No way...






Thanks in advance.

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Hi to all.


First, thanks a lot for sharing this module, it's really userfull (and IT'S FREE!).


But I have a problem with it: I can install but then there is no way to enter in configuration... Tried permisions and both version of the thread. No way...



Thanks in advance.


Have You had installed previous version of this module?

If yes: Did You uninstall module before remove previous module version and then install the new one?

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Have You had installed previous version of this module?


Yes, first I installed the module of main page.


If yes: Did You uninstall module before remove previous module version and then install the new one?


It was uninstalled and then deleted in this sequence.

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Would appreciate feedback from GoodRelationsSupport on the issue with missing special characters. Being a Swedish site it's a bit of a problem if special characters åäö doesn't work so we're a bit hesitant to install until it's resolved, but we would really like to use this great module so we hope it's easy to fix!


Thanks for the great work, this far!

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Hi all,


I installed the module a while ago (and later reinstalled with the latest version from post 57). Using google's rich snippets tool all that is showing is the price (see below). Is this correct? I was under the impression the product image etc would be shown. The correct img url is included in the markup.


Google search preview

Dermalogica PreCleanse from Dermalsense

www.dermalsense.com/en/dermalogica-cleansers/10-precleanse.html - Cached


The excerpt from the page will show up here. The reason we can't show text from your webpage is because the text depends on the query the user types.

Note that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for this page on actual search results. For more details, see the FAQ.

Extracted Author/Publisher for this page

Page does not contain authorship markup. Learn more.

Extracted rich snippet data from the page


depiction = http://www.dermalsen.../precleanse.jpg

hasPriceSpecification UnitPriceSpecification

hasCurrency = GBP

hasCurrencyValue = 22.95

valueAddedTaxIncluded = true

hasUnitOfMeasurement = C62

validFrom = 2012-03-01

validThrough = 2012-03-03

hasBusinessFunction = http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sell

acceptedPaymentMethods = http://purl.org/good...tions/v1#PayPal

acceptedPaymentMethods = http://purl.org/good...s/v1#MasterCard

acceptedPaymentMethods = http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#VISA

availableDeliveryMethods = http://purl.org/good...eliveryModeMail

eligibleCustomerTypes = http://purl.org/good...ions/v1#Enduser

page = http://www.dermalsen...precleanse.html

includes SomeItems

depiction = http://www.dermalsen.../precleanse.jpg

page = http://www.dermalsen...precleanse.html

category = cleansers

name = dermalogica precleanse 150ml

description = Skin condition All skin conditions (especially oily). benefits of dermalogica precleanse Dissolves oil-based make-up, sebum, sunscreens and environmental pollutants from skin’s surface,...

hasStockKeepingUnit = 10

name = dermalogica precleanse 150ml

hasStockKeepingUnit = 10

description = Skin condition All skin conditions (especially oily). benefits of dermalogica precleanse Dissolves oil-based make-up, sebum, sunscreens and environmental pollutants from skin’s surface,...

validFrom = 2012-03-01

validThrough = 2012-03-03




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Hi all,


I installed the module a while ago (and later reinstalled with the latest version from post 57). Using google's rich snippets tool all that is showing is the price (see below). Is this correct? I was under the impression the product image etc would be shown. The correct img url is included in the markup.






The product images are currently not shown on Google. We assume it will be available soon.

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I still can't get the configure page to load properly. First I used the version from the store, then the 2 versions available for download in this thread. None of them allow me to configure them. Any advice? I'm on version


I've tested this modoule on and everything works fine. tell me more about this issue:

Is there any message You get?

Can You access to module configuration?

Have You try to rebuild sitemap and save configuration after module install?

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I've added my rich metas since 2 months now. The German Crawler was on my page, but no one of my metas on google search have changed till now. Is this module really working ?


Does somebody has any sample of his page and changed google metas I can see ? I think 2 months is enough time for Google to change the metas...

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Would appreciate feedback from GoodRelationsSupport on the issue with missing special characters. Being a Swedish site it's a bit of a problem if special characters åäö doesn't work so we're a bit hesitant to install until it's resolved, but we would really like to use this great module so we hope it's easy to fix!


Thanks for the great work, this far!


Still same Problem for German special Characters, I've posted this issue many times in here... Not solved till now...

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#50 Geolocation - avaible soon

Empty tags - we will check it




This is related to: Extracted Rich Snippets data as visible by a Custom Search Engine


The other tags - Extracted rich snippet data from the page - are all filled in.

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I've added my rich metas since 2 months now. The German Crawler was on my page, but no one of my metas on google search have changed till now. Is this module really working ?


Does somebody has any sample of his page and changed google metas I can see ? I think 2 months is enough time for Google to change the metas...


Nobody has a ref.-shop to show ? I also used GG support possibility by sending them some rdf-samples of my page. No answer (but there is also no answer guaranted). For me the module has no SEO-profit at the moment... No change of metas since 2 months, although foaf-data is available...

Is this a GG problem, or is the module only collecting Data on the net (crawler/spy-bot) ?

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I think I've answered my question by myself:


Extract from GG Tips:



1) You have provided information which is not currently used to change the display of search results.

Currently we show rich snippets for review sites and social networking/people profile sites. Video markup is recognized and used to make sure that video content is crawled and indexed properly and can show up amongst Google's video results. However, no preview is generated. Organization and Product markup is recognized but is not yet used to affect the display of search results. In each of these cases, the markup can be correct without any preview being generated in the testing tool.


Are other Google services (Maps, Product Search, etc) affected by Rich Snippets markup?


Data provided through microformats or RDFa markup is used in some ways by other Google services, but Rich Snippets does not replace any other existing channels for providing information to Google. If you are providing data to Google in a different way (for example, if you are providing a Base feed for Google Product Search), keep doing what you are doing.


Why doesn't Google support [insert your favorite RDFa vocabulary here]?


This is an evolving process, and the formats supported at initial launch are a first step. Support for additional popular formats will be added over time assuming that the data helps users find search results more effectively and that there is significant usage of the format across the web.



So it's clear, without reviews this modul will not work. Not yet, perhaps in future... A great pity!

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Hi Everyone,


I have the problem where all my prices are always in EURO's but I have 4 different currencies on my site. Is there a possibility to link languages to currencies? So for Example English will show USD and German will show EURO?


I can't seem to find a solution at the moment.



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We will check it.


The module works perfectly fine, and the markup pattern is correct and approved by Google and the inventors of GoodRelations.


There are many reasons why a certain site may not show rich snippets: First of all, there is no guarantee that Google will show snippets for a certain site, even if the markup is correct and indexed by Google. Google uses a component to judge whether a snippet should be shown for your page or not. While they do not reveal details on this component, the general experience is that highly ranked / highly reputable sites will show rich snippets more often and sooner than new, rather unknown, or low-ranked sites.


See here for the full story:




The following query brings up rich snippets based on the Prestashop extension:



Fer à lisser Ergo 230 Mini Bijou 30W - Acheter avec Lumibeauty de


Proof: See image at http://yfrog.com/h0yyyvp




Martin Hepp

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I think I've answered my question by myself:


So it's clear, without reviews this modul will not work. Not yet, perhaps in future... A great pity!


No, the module works - see below. GoodRelations for products is supported by Google as of now. See this query, which is from one of the first adopters of the Prestashop module:




More info is here:






Martin Hepp

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Nobody has a ref.-shop to show ? I also used GG support possibility by sending them some rdf-samples of my page. No answer (but there is also no answer guaranted). For me the module has no SEO-profit at the moment... No change of metas since 2 months, although foaf-data is available...

Is this a GG problem, or is the module only collecting Data on the net (crawler/spy-bot) ?


The module works perfectly on I guess more than 1500 shops.


A nice example of shop with rich snippets is www.lumibeauty.com. See this screenshot:




Important: You have to use a query that shows the article detail pages, since only those will have rich snippets. In many shops, for broad queries, the category pages come first in the SERPs, and they typically do not have GoodRelations markup.


Best wishes


Martin Hepp


PS: If you want swifter feedback, use the GoodRelations forum, which has a more active community:



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Hi Everyone,


I have the problem where all my prices are always in EURO's but I have 4 different currencies on my site. Is there a possibility to link languages to currencies? So for Example English will show USD and German will show EURO?


I can't seem to find a solution at the moment.




Unfortunately, that is not possible. It all depends on the currency that you return when the Google bot crawls your page. You could try to implement HTTP content negotiation to serve EUR to European Google bots and USD to the US bot, you that's untested and could be considered cloaking in worst case.




Martin Hepp

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I have this error on the module config page:

uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

I see the tabs

  • tab General settings
  • tab Inventory
  • tab Location and contact
  • tab Other

and SAVE ALL button


but tabs are not working


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello experts,


Thank you for the excellent addon. I've installed it successfully in my shop: kanaryluxurywatches.com


you can find an example using google rich snippet from here:




But I've two questions please:


1) The prices appears like this: AED749.00. I need to add a space between the currency and the price. how can i do it?

2) The product thumbnail doesn't show up. Please advise


Thanks again for the tool. I'm wondering when will google start showing up these snippets in the SERP!



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But I've two questions please:


1) The prices appears like this: AED749.00. I need to add a space between the currency and the price. how can i do it?

2) The product thumbnail doesn't show up. Please advise



1. The prices and currency are served separately. Its depends on Google how it will be displayed.

2. Product images are not shown by Google yet. Please read the following: http://www.heppresearch.com/gr4google (there is short note about this)

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Hi again,


I would like to raise the question about special characters again. I have installed the module succesfully and tested it with http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets and I can confirm that special characters like åäö (and likely German characters like ü as well) "fall out" of the text and are replaced with blank spaces when using the module.


I disabled the module directly again as I don't want it to get listed on google (since the swedish word for "buy" is "köp", which is basically there in every title we have) so I can't provide a live example.


Is this something that can easily be solved?


Best regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Does somebody knows, if it works with I've just downgraded my shop to this version (before and now by testing with google snippets testing tool, it says:


The following errors were found during preview generation:

  • Empty page.
  • This page does not contain authorship or rich snippet markup.

BUT: I can find all the microdata in the source-code:






Is the testing tool not working, or did Google changed something in the microdata ?


EDIT: I compared my source witht the one of kanaryluxurywatches and see a difference. I don't have the vcard. Is this a special add from the developer of the watch site ?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, Goodrelations seems to be incompatible with the theme that I'm using - Velvet Sky.


The issue can be seen here.


As soon as I turn off Goodrelations the site is perfect. Turn it back on and it's back to the screwed up version.


Hoping someone here will have some hints about where I should be looking (GR or theme) for the issues. - cleared cache properly - all that good stuff - no difference.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I have a problem with the module, i have version 1.4 of the module i think it's the latest , my problem is that the image of the category's pages is the logo of the web instead of the image that i use for it.


Some advice for solve it?

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