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How to limit the customization field size to one single line of 20 characters [SOLVED]

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I am using Prestashop

In product.tpl is the following line :


<textarea name="textField{$field.id_customization_field}" id="textField{$customizationField}" rows="1" cols="40" class="customization_block_input">{if isset($textFields.$key)}{$textFields.$key|stripslashes}{/if}</textarea>

How would it be possible to do it ?

Thank you in advance for any reply.


Edited by patrmich (see edit history)
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I am replying to my own question.

I just added the following in one line of the product.tpl file : maxlength="20"

In product.tpl, replace :

<textarea name="textField{$field.id_customization_field}" id="textField{$customizationField}" rows="1" cols="40" class="customization_block_input">{if isset($textFields.$key)}{$textFields.$key|stripslashes}{/if}


<textarea maxlength="20" name="textField{$field.id_customization_field}" id="textField{$customizationField}" rows="1" cols="40" class="customization_block_input">{if isset($textFields.$key)}{$textFields.$key|stripslashes}{/if}


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I am using version 1.6.12, bootstrap theme

If anyone knows how to convert the same customisation text area to a drop down menu and for it still to work, that would be magic.

<OPTION SELECTED>blue embroidery
<OPTION>red embroidery
<OPTION>green embroidery

If I just do it as above, I get an error message saying that I have not filled-in all the form fields. The reason for not using attributes is to save linking this to stock.

Edited by johnrobertson
version (see edit history)
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