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Marcio Javi

Marcio Javi

I want to get rid of some part of URI that I use for SEO purposes like this: myshop/remove-this/rest-of-uri  -->  myshop/rest-of-uri

If I rewrite URL the original URI stays and is passed to dispatcher unless I do external redirect which is not what I want.

The only way I found is to override DispatcherCore::setRequestUri() method, but overriding is not recommended by PrestaShop team.

Can anyone suggest solution for PrestaShop version 1.7.6+ ?

Marcio Javi

Marcio Javi

I want to get rid of some part of URI that I use for SEO purposes like this: myshop/remove-this/rest-of-uri  -->  myshop/rest-of-uri

If I rewrite URL the original URI stays and is passed to dispatcher unless I do external redirect which is not what I want.

The only way I found is to override DispatcherCore::setRequestUri() method, but overriding is not recommended by PrestaShop team.

Can anyone suggest solution?

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