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Hi there,

The following error has occurred in Admin of https://www.toptoners.com:

After populating products into some newly uploaded categories (Brother and HP) in the Admin, I noticed that some products now time-out in the Admin (see attached).  Various other products work, or don't work, whether I've worked on them (populated them) recently or not.  All products and categories seem to work front-end.

I was populating HP ink cartridges when I noticed that I could no longer view many products in Admin, and got an error message (see attached file) - to me it is random which products are now working or not.  I can only find a few HP products that work in the Admin.  I was working on "Jet Tec H56" and "Jet Tec H57" simultaneously, as they have mostly the same printer categories associated with them.  H56 works, while "Jet Tec H57" does not.  I've found some products that don't work that I have not populated recently.

I've found some products that don't work that I have not populated recently.  I have yet to populate the "Jet Tec H364" range - ALL 11 items still work in Admin.

I'm using PrestaShop version: with the following:

MySQL version: 5.6.41

Server software version: Apache
PHP version: 7.2.22
Memory limit: 256M
Max execution time: 300
Upload Max File size: 128M


Any advice and suggestions are gratefully received - thank you in advance.

Best regards,



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8 hours ago, JBW said:

What is rvcompare.php or where it's coming from? Guess it's a module and seems this is not compatible with PHP 7.2

RV Compare is a module within the theme.  It should be compatible.  I disabled it and it still did not work.  The theme is meant to be compatible with PHP 7.2.

Best regards,



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You should ask your server administrator. It could really be a memory issue. You have "promised" 256M, but I have seen many times that it is much less in reality. Especialy on a shared server. Your shop is quite slow (home page HTML in 4.2 seconds) so the server can have low resources or can be overloaded.

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1 hour ago, JBW said:

As you can see in the error message it's not working properly with PHP 7.2. - when you disable the module the error should be gone, is it?

No, the error remains. :(

I have only disabled the module, but I also have the option to uninstall the module too.

Best regards,



Edited by www.TopToners.com (see edit history)
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