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Countries Translation issue

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Hello to all,

i'm quite new to Prestashop and i'm trying to learn all PS secrets to manage  it at the maximum level 😊

Unofrtunately i've been through some issues that i cannot find actually a solution, one of them is: the countries translation.

I tried in a fresh new install of PS to add languages packages ( few ones, installed in italian, then added english, german, french, spanish etc etc) , but when i try to purchase an item , in the Checkout process the countries list is always shown in English ( both cases if guest or logged-in);

Is there any way to translate countries names without doing it manually one by one in the Localization Admin Panel?

thanks a lot 😊


Alessandro from Italy


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Fresh news:

a collegue of mine found a trick:

in PS when you add a language package a folder inside /translations/cldr has been created,  /translations/cldr/datas/main/LANG_ISO_CODE ( ex de-DE ) , with few jsons settings included "terrotories.json" that contains the countries translations;

after copying this directory and all files to the same path in a PS installation, then firing "Language update" in translation tab, the countries translation have been updated with the correct language version;

anyone can tell me if is a safe trick?

thanks a lot 😊

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I also have all the countries in english and I cannot find a solution. It doesn't bother me to change them one by one, but in the admin backoffice, there is no place to change them manually (international > localisation) or (international > translation)


please someone knows a solution ?

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