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[Solved] Presta Shop Admin and website no longer work. Error Code Below

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Shortly After configuring my entire store a 6 hr process, the website stoped working and the admin stoped working. My Host can not figure out why as the server works fine, and all the files are intact and they appear to be error free.

However they were able to send me this error code that prestashop is experiencing when somebody trys to access it.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class DbCore does not exist' in /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php:41 Stack trace: #0 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php(41): ReflectionClass->__construct('DbCore') #1 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/classes/Configuration.php(289): __autoload('Db') #2 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/config.inc.php(94): ConfigurationCore::loadConfiguration() #3 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/DarkAdmin/index.php(31): include('/home/newvinyl/...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php on line 41

Any Ideas, my host seems to be clue less. I really do not want to reinstall, I know the data base is fine..

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I was installing modules manually because I couldnt figure out how to instlal them using the .zip upload inside the modules tab in presta shop. I guess it was to simple so it confused me lol. Anyway I installed 5 or so with no problems. I would upload the .zip and then extract and move into the modules folder on my FTP. Then the module add on would show in presta shop. Of course after I broke the site I installed test version of presta shop and quickly learned how much quicker and easier and apparently safer it is to install from presta shop its self. Anyway I deleted the module folder and the .zip file that seems to have completely disabled my shop. However that has not fixed the problem. I check all the error logs and I dont see any issue.

I do have server rewind option in my FTP but it doesnt work :( theres no dates to choose to restore from. I know my data base is intact so is there a way to link a new installation with my original database?

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the file you uploaded does look like 1.4

you can see it 1.3x

  * @version 1.3

I am not sure if it should be like this or not when upgraded.

I uploaded the the one for 1.4, try to replace it (make a copy of yours before use this one)
Also please change the folder and file permission

folder 755
file 644


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I just checked the plugin that was not working and essentially broke the site looks to be for an older version as I just opened my presta shop recently so im using the newest stable update.

What other files would the module have overwritten other then the db.php?

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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class SearchCore does not exist' in /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php:41 Stack trace: #0 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php(41): ReflectionClass->__construct('SearchCore') #1 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/DarkAdmin/tabs/AdminProducts.php(1178): __autoload('Search') #2 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/DarkAdmin/tabs/AdminProducts.php(180): AdminProducts->submitAddProduct('d093ec56674985e...') #3 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/DarkAdmin/tabs/AdminCatalog.php(105): AdminProducts->postProcess('d093ec56674985e...') #4 /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/DarkAdmin/index.php(106): AdminCatalog->postProcess() #5 {main} thrown in /home/newvinyl/public_html/Pshopdark/config/autoload.php on line 41


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if the file I send yesterday fixed your problem, you can use the same way to fix other problem.
but if there are too many this kind of error, maybe is it faster to reinstall it.

before you install any old modules, it is better to confirm if there is any core files changed by the module.
(my commercial modules never change any core file).

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