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Weight range?

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Shop configured with shipping costs based on weight;

Carrier 1 - weight range : 5 kg -> 200 kg.
Carrier 2 - weight range : 1000 kg -> 5000 kg.

When I check the shipping costs for a product with weight 100 kg's I am presented
both carriers although 100 kg is not in the weight range of carrier 2 (1000kg -> 5000 kg) ?

Is this normal behaviour ?


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I have a feeling that in backoffice>>shipping, you may not have all options set joachim.

In the fees by carrier, have you set-up your costs for this carrier. This will show you the ranges set-up and the zones you have created and controls the costs for that carrier, for each weight range and each zone. For example if the cost in UK for 1kg is £1.00, to USA it might be £2.00.

just a thought really

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yep confirmed...

900 kg ;

SELECT d.`price` FROM `ps_delivery` d LEFT JOIN `ps_range_weight` w ON d.`id_range_weight` = w.`id_range_weight`
WHERE d.`id_zone` = 7 AND 900 < w.`delimiter2`AND d.`id_carrier` = 12

1200 kg;

SELECT d.`price` FROM `ps_delivery` d LEFT JOIN `ps_range_weight` w ON d.`id_range_weight` = w.`id_range_weight`
WHERE d.`id_zone` = 7 AND 1 < w.`delimiter2` AND d.`id_carrier` = 12

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Back to the original problem, does anyone have the shipping calculation (based on weight) working as ...

Carrier 1 : 100->500 kg.
Carrier 2 : 600 -> 900kg.

Add a product to your basket with a weight of 110 kg... only carrier 1 will be shown??

Based on the sql statements I checked in Carrier.php I believe this is not the case since there is no check on delimiter1 only delimiter2 is being verified.

Thank you very much!

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Figured it out... I have a different requirement, I think the original design was to show all carriers with different shipment times that's probably why all carriers are show... athough the carrier setup mentions 'disable carrier when out of range' I think this only applies to higher out of range not lower out of ranges..... anyway i'm calling it a day !

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thank's for the very good script of prstashop, good job, and happy new year for 2009.

We have this problem and what is the issu for resolve it ?

over 1000 kg
for ex: 1200.00 kg ar 12.00 euros in the basket the price appear at defined price delimiter 0 to 15 kgs

whereis file or mysql parameter we can cha,ge for issue ?


sorry for my bad english

prestashop 1.1 final

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