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Maintenance the forum, Monday 9th of September 2019


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Dear Community,

This morning, Monday 9th of September 2019, the forum has been unavailable during one hour, from 10:30am to 11:30am, Paris timezone. This upgrade was prepared and testing on an iso preproduction infrastructure in order to make it as smooth as possible.

What has been done:

  • Upgrade to version 4.4.6 of Invision,
  • Installation of the Auto Welcome module in order to improve the on-boarding of new members
  • Installation of the New topic information module in order to add guidance and tips to write better topics
  • Tests that everything is fine

The deployment of the new modules is still in work in progress and will also come with a new member group, "New-Members'", that will ease spam and troll filtering. It has been asked by forum moderators.

If you would encounter any issue after this big maintenance, please write an answer to this topic or send me a private message via the forum.


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Well, this post is to validate that the "New members" group has been activated. 

As you can see, first content of a new members will have to validated, and this is made clear to them with a red message. After some time and approved content, a rule is set to move new members into the regular "Members" group.

This way of welcoming new members has been made mandatory because of the regular spam or troll attack on the forum. This way, it is very easy to identify new users that are coming here to make noise, instead of being part of the community. Please note that this is currently a common way to manage new users on many forums, Facebook groups, and other online communities.

Current version of Invision forums allow to set automatic rules, please expect that they will be use to give more power to the user, to report and block bad content and bad members, for the benefit of the community 😉 


Edited by TheNewMember1 (see edit history)
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