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Automatically Generate Invoice even for orders where Check is the selected payment method


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I was trying to print multiple orders as a batch. I saw that I can do it from "Orders > Invoices". However, after further investigations I realized that it's not printing orders that are "Awaiting Check Payment". When investigating even further I realized that it's not including them was because an invoice was not generated for these orders (as opposed to Credit Card order that automatically generate invoice, as selected in my settings). I'm on version

  1. Is there a way to automatically generate an invoice for orders where the payment method is a check?
  2. Is there a way to batch print orders? (I saw that there are some paid add-ons to do it, but was looking for something free... The batch printing of orders is so basic that I think that it should be included as one of the standard features, especially that if it lets you batch print invoices)
  3. If anybody has a work around for printing all orders regardless if they have an invoice?

We use prestashop to allow people to pre-order custom clothing merchandise. We then send the orders to be printed, and the customers pick it up from a designated location and time. The customers that chose to pay with a check, can pay at the location. (This is for local sport teams)

Any help would be appreciated!


- Sivan 

Edited by SivanLeoni
Forgot to mention the PS version I was using (see edit history)
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Never mind. I found that when I configure Order Status, I can select "Allow a customer to download and view PDF versions of his/her invoices." for the "Awaiting check payment" status. This will generate an invoice even if the customer selected check as the payment method. 

Since there's an invoice, I can now print all the orders from the "Invoices" page.

- Sivan

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