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PS 1.7: problem with paypal and the decimals


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We have a problem with payment paypal and the decimals in the price with taxes.

If we reduce the number of decimals with 2 digits, then it is working, but in this way it is not very optimal and a lot of work. Is there any way to make it massive? That is to say, for example a change on the data base like  select ROUND(price, 2 ) from ps_product ?

The problem is that the "price" field is not the correct field, because the "price with taxes" is a field calculated, isn't it?




Edited by rorifra
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On 9/4/2019 at 9:44 AM, rorifra said:

Yes, we have 2 decimal always but it isn´t the solution because in the field "price with taxes" shows a lot decimals

I have the same problem: if I put 2 decimals, the prices of the items are shown with more numbers after the comma, if instead I insert 1 decimal paypal does not work.
Anyone have a solution?

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