Whilst I appreciate you coming back to me on this, it's frustrating when some of us raised these issues weeks ago and were fully prepared to help solve the issues, but then we learn all the issues in this thread were apparently fixed at the middle of last month when they weren't, and only after having went ahead and purchased modules are we now seeing some form of reaction from everyone, these issues were raised via Stripe themselves who tell us "nothing to do with us", now you tell us this development is still under Stripe control, we raised it via the developer too, who after a few communications, simply decided the module was fixed, when it clearly isn't and we told them is wasn't, and there are multiple threads across the various international community here on Prestashop with people telling of similar issues with the module. The lack of reaction and attention to detail has resulted in some of us walking away from this module, which is a pity, but there it is, hopefully we've all learned something at this point but either way I do hope whoever is involved in the module manage to get it fixed and avoid a repetition of these issues.
Edit History
Whilst I appreciate you coming back to me on this, it's frustrating when some of us raised these issues weeks ago and were fully prepared to help solve the issues, but then we learn apparently all the issues in this thread were apparently fixed at the middle of last month when they weren't, and only after having went ahead and purchased modules are we now seeing some form of reaction from everyone, these issues were raised via Stripe themselves who tell us "nothing to do with us", now you tell us this development is still under Stripe control, we raised it via the developer too, who after a few communications, simply decided the module was fixed, when it clearly isn't and we told them is wasn't, and there are multiple threads across the various international community here on Prestashop with people telling of similar issues with the module. The lack of reaction and attention to detail has resulted in some of us walking away from this module, which is a pity, but there it is, hopefully we've all learned something at this point but either way I do hope whoever is involved in the module manage to get it fixed and avoid a repetition of these issues.