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SOLVED --- No <head> in header.tpl (Google tag manager installation)


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Hi everybody 😎

(I am un begginer and I use Prestashop 1.7)

I would like to install Google Tag Manager and put the 2 pieces of code that GTM gives me (one after the <head> and one after the <body>.


BUT when I go in my header.tpl wich path is: /www/themes/laber_outstock1/templates/_partials/header.tpl


There is no <head> and <body> in the file, as you can see here:

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{block name='header_banner'}
  <div class="header-banner">
    {hook h='displayBanner'}

{block name='header_nav'}
  <nav class="header-nav">
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{block name='header_top'}
  <div class="header-top">
    <div class="laber-header">
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      <div id="mobile_top_menu_wrapper" class="row hidden-md-up" style="display:none;">
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          <div id="_mobile_currency_selector"></div>
          <div id="_mobile_language_selector"></div>
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THANK YOU for your help

Edited by doog_2019 (see edit history)
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Hi @Nishith 😊

Thank you for your help, I found the solution to install GTM, I just put my piece of code at the end of header.tpl (for the one supposed to be after <head> tag) and the other one at the end of footer.tpl (for one supposed to be after the <body> tag). 

But do you know why I can't the see the <head> tag in my header.tpl file ? (Beginner question 😂)

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  • 8 months later...
Il 31/8/2019 alle 11:07, doog_2019 ha dichiarato:

Ciao @Nishith  😊

Grazie per il vostro aiuto , ho trovato la soluzione per l'assistenza GTM, ho appena messo il mio pezzo di codice alla fine di header.tpl (per quello che deve essere dopo il tag <head>) e l'altro alla fine del piè di pagina .tpl (per uno che dovrebbe essere dopo il tag <body>). 

Sai perché non riesco a vedere il tag <head> nel mio file header.tpl? (Domanda per principianti  😂 )

Io ho lo stesso tuo problema e non riesco a vedere  il tag <head> nel mio file header.tpl, come devo fare? Ti ringrazio

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